Monday, January 12, 2009

'So I think I have to cancel tonight..."

I opened my e-mail today and read this...

'So I think I have to cancel tonight, I had an unusual insomniac night last night and I don't think I'll be much of a fun date tonight... Maybe we could reschedule for later this week?'

My gut tells me this isn't going to get rescheduled. Cheesy relationship books tell me this isn't going to get rescheduled. My dude friends tell me this isn't going to get rescheduled. I'm hoping I'm wrong. I'm hoping Sex and the City is wrong and god knows- I'm hoping my dudes are wrong (because I get a perverse sense of satisfaction when my dudes are wrong) but I really don't think they are.
I've got an outfit planned, So I'm going out anyway.

I'm also attempting to cultivate multiple options- sounds impressive huh? Much more so than what I've actually been doing which is flirting at every opportunity.
Example- Strudel Guy.
Strudel Guy is a twenty-something working at a local coffee shop. I chatted with him the other day, smiled, joked, got my coffee a bit of strudel moved on. Strudel Guy was flirty and cute and made a funny joke about whipped cream. Today I saw Strudel Guy again. I ordered strudel from him- didn't actually want strudel but that's beside the point. Today I smiled, made a joke about dropping my strudel all over the sidewalk before noon (it was funny at the time) and he said it's after noon somewhere and therefore totally appropriate to be dropping strudel (again totally funny at the time). We laugh, I walk out with a bag of strudel.
Now it's likely Strudel Guy flirts with everyone but for the second time this week I've walked out of the coffee shop feeling a little more charming and a little more confident to try this out on someone who doesn't sell me strudel.

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