Monday, January 5, 2009

And so it begins...

So lets start this thing off with a bang-
This was posted on CL 1/02/09
"Gentleman I need your assistance. Last year my Resolution was to change my favorite color to blue- a bit of a cop-out as far as resolutions go so I needed something a bit more challenging this year. 100 dates by 2010- yes that would be about 2 dates/week.
Not out of the realm of possibility sure, but a bit of a challenge without some help from more unusual sources- like my new friend Craig.
About me- I’m 28, single, 5’3”, blond with green eyes- I fall very nicely into the “cute” category. I’m a size 14- so if you like your girls thin or spending hours at the gym I’m not the girl for you, (I do have a number of friends I could introduce you too though).
I love getting out of the city, (I’ve been known to go on trips at a moments notice). I sing in the car- but not the shower. I have a degree and a fun job where I work slightly odd hours but get to hang out with people I enjoy. I have a fantastic gang of friends in the area and spread out across the country. I love to go dancing. The dinner parties are usually at my house and yes, I put my friends to work in the kitchen but I always feed them well for their efforts.
Yes ideally this little adventure would land me in a LTR (and if I go out with you twice it counts as two dates) but worse case scenario I have a few good stories to talk about when I’m 80.
I ask only a few things of a potential date-
You should have a sense of humor.
You should be able to carry on a conversation with a stranger.
You should also be over the age of 21.
Pictures are available on request- but only if you send me yours. So tell me a bit about yourself…
Happy New Year"
Why would I do this? Well the obvious answer is I'm nuts... and that isn't out of the realm of possibility but the truth is I often find myself meeting men and not taking the time to get to know them before jumping into a relationship or avoiding putting myself on the line for some relatively dumb reason usually dealing with my own insecurities.
I'm over it. Seriously isn't it time to be ok with getting to know someone- spending an hour having a conversation or sharing an experience without all the pressure. I have 100 dates to go on this year- If I have a bad one, or a just ok one no worries- I've got more. If I have a great one- Fantastic maybe someone will get to be date 20, 21 and 22...
Short story long, I'm totaly excited about this.

1 comment:

  1. Every date must be on here. This is a genius idea, i'm SO excited for you!
