Sunday, March 15, 2009

Something happened on the way to 100....

So I thought this little adventure would go something like this...
I’d date a bunch of different guys anywhere from 1-3 times each… maybe a little more depending on how it went but they would all would be temporary experiences- something to think about when I was an old lady- great stories to tell my friends over a beer or a good way to ensure I got out a bit more than I did last year (not a tough thing to accomplish if you look at my social life last year- but let’s not look too hard). I would get to know them- be charmed by them (or appalled as the case may be) and learn things about each guy, men in general, dating and ultimately myself in the process. I might have been hoping for something a little more long term, but I couldn't say I was expecting it.
6 Dates in, and I meet a charming guy at a Dive Bar. And I like him.
And I’m learning things about him (things like- he is more patient than any man has a right to be and he has more board games than I have shoes). One of the biggest things though is that I cannot imagine he’d appreciate being the subject of a blog. This is why I haven’t been posting as much as I was when I started the year. This is also why I’m going to stop posting until this thing has run its course. Knowing what I know about him and seeing as I really do like him, it seems only fair.
On the other hand, he’s coming over for dinner this week- if I give him food poisoning, have some sort of “chick” freak out or he discovers I’m actually as crazy as Date 1 Guy 1 thinks I am- I’ll be back to posting before the weekend is up.
Until then- I'll just keep counting dates.
Wish me luck.

1 comment:

  1. Cheers to mo more posts....congrats on guy number 6. You are not crazy..only crazy wonderful and I'm sure he will figure that out soon enough if he doesn't already know!
